The Oily Must that comes from the press goes to these deposit wells.This liquid is made up of vegetable water from the olive itself (alpechin) and oil. They are separated due to the difference in density: Oil 0,916 / Alpechin 1,052 . The result is that the oil floats because it is lighter and water stays at the bottom. This is due to the difference in density.
Experiment: We will need ½ glass of water and some oil. In the glass of water we add some oil, enough oil to cover all the surface. We will try to mix them using a small spoon and stirring well. Once this is done, let the mixture go down and see how the oil and the water separate completely.
Danika Peverelli - Mobile: 079 218 75 66 -
Antonio Rey Solé
C/ Pont nº 6 43750 Flix (Tarragona)
Tel: 977 410 600 Fax: 977 411 393
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